REGISTER of Financial Statements brings, since December 2014, number of improvements. Non-problematic access via the use of smartphones and tablets simplifies its use, and its web portal was developed in English version.
The translation of registry website into English language will simplify the access for English speaking users. According to statistics, 6.5% of hits is made by foreign users.
REGISTER was introduced in May 2014, significantly simplifies the enterpreneurial activity and contributes to improvement of business environment in Slovakia. This registry allows business to publish Financial Statements publicly free of charge. Enterpreneurs are from 1st. of January not obliged to submit Financial Statements to multiple state institutions on various dates.
Financial Statements are submitted only to the Financial Authorities. Thanks to the new portal, all other state institutions will be able to access this information without needing to contact business subjects themselves. Another advantage of this registry is its public accessibility that will contribute to the increase in transparency.
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